Saturday, March 22, 2008


It started as just another day in Ghul Federal Prison but, Friday 21st March 2008, for Baron DeSantis the day was going to turn out as anything but normal.
Sitting in the exercise yard, he was quietly reading one of his many books on law when the prison Investigator, Vince Beardmore, approached him. Baron looked up and smiled when he saw Vince. The smile was wiped from his face when he was told that the day of judgement had arrived.
“DeSantis, stand up and turn around, Judge wants you in the court.NOW” Vince stated.
Manacles were placed on Baron’s hands, which had been moved behind him. A chain was attached to his ‘confinement collar’ and he was taken out of the yard. The other prisoners stood and watched as he was led away. Shouts of good luck echoed around the otherwise silent courtyard.

What follows is the actual transcript from the trial. Due to the horrific nature of his crimes, certain portions have been removed . What remains, however, is the exact record of the proceedings.
It should be noted that the judge thought it prudent NOT to appear in the courtroom itself. Instead he conducted the proceeding by video/audio link from his chambers. This may be because of the Baron’s renowned volatile temperament and the shocking nature of his crimes. Standing upright and facing where the judge would have been sitting, he had an almost arrogant stance. The investigator to one side, chain still attached, waiting to pounce on him if he got out of line.

[9:23] Aldwulf Siemens: This is court is now in session
[9:23] Aldwulf Siemens: The Honourable Judge Aldwulf Siemens presiding
[9:24] Vince Beardmore: answer the judge Baron
[9:24] Aldwulf Siemens: ((is he lagging?))
[9:24] Vince Beardmore: ((dont know))\
[9:24] Vince Beardmore: Baron??
[9:25] Vince Beardmore: answer the judge
[9:26] Aldwulf Siemens: ARE YOU BARON Ce SANTIS?
[9:26] Aldwulf Siemens: *De
[9:26] BD: Yes Sir
[9:26 BD: DeSantis Sir
[9:26] Aldwulf Siemens: Right
[9:27] Aldwulf Siemens: you are before this court charged with 5 Murders
[9:27] Aldwulf Siemens: how do you plead
[9:27] You: yes Sir, at least 5 sir
[9:27] Aldwulf Siemens: Guilty or Not Guilty
[9:27] BD: not guilty Sir
[9:27] Aldwulf Siemens: I see
[9:27] Aldwulf Siemens: I have here your confession?
[9:28] BD: drug induced Sir
[9:28] Aldwulf Siemens: do you dispute its contents?
[9:28] Aldwulf Siemens: Very well
[9:28] Aldwulf Siemens: Investigator Beardmore
[9:28] BD: not exactly sir
[9:28] Aldwulf Siemens: you were the primary officer in his case
[9:28] Vince Beardmore: yes sir i was
[9:29] Aldwulf Siemens: please state the facts
[9:29] Vince Beardmore: This man confessed at least 5 murders. He told me he had sliced a throat
[9:29] Vince Beardmore: drove over another man and shoot one in the head
[9:29] Vince Beardmore: further I have his confession sir
[9:30] Vince Beardmore: and an conversation with another prisoner
[9:30] Aldwulf Siemens: I see
[9:30] BD: Sir he's a snitch sir..inadmissable sir
[9:30] Aldwulf Siemens: do you state on oath this confesssion was not drug induced?
[9:31] Aldwulf Siemens: Silence Baron
[9:31] Aldwulf Siemens: very well
[9:31] Aldwulf Siemens: Baron
[9:31] BD: plead the 5th Sir
[9:31] Vince Beardmore: I do your honour
[9:31] Aldwulf Siemens: let us examine your confession then baron
[9:32] Aldwulf Siemens: It seems you returned home from work
[9:32] Aldwulf Siemens: and caught your partner with three other guys?
[9:32] Aldwulf Siemens: romping on the bed?
[9:32] BD: yes sir
[9:32] Aldwulf Siemens: and it states here
[9:32] Aldwulf Siemens: you thought
[9:33] Aldwulf Siemens: "revenge is a dish best served cold"
[9:33] BD: ah, correct Sir
[9:33] Aldwulf Siemens: “I can not believe how easy it was”
[9:34] Aldwulf Siemens: “one quick slash across the throat”
[9:34] Aldwulf Siemens: you state
[9:34] Aldwulf Siemens: was that correct?
At this point, the trial was halted for a moment, due to lag
[9:35] BD: Sorry Sir..please continue
[9:35] Aldwulf Siemens: revenge a dish best served cold
[9:35] BD: yes Sir
[9:35] Aldwulf Siemens: the first was easy - a quick slash across the throat
[9:36] Aldwulf Siemens: is that correct?
[9:36] BD: yes Sir
[9:36] Aldwulf Siemens: do I need to describe all the other murderous acts?
[9:37] BD: for the record Sir..think it would be best..then i can explain them sir
[9:37] Aldwulf Siemens sigh
[9:37] Aldwulf Siemens: so no1 you cut his throat?
[9:37] Aldwulf Siemens: correct?
[9:37] BD: slightly sir, yes
[9:37] Aldwulf Siemens: slightly deadly I would say
[9:38] BD: well. yes sir
[9:38] Aldwulf Siemens: you dismembered him
[9:38] BD: all hazy on that part sir.what with the vodka and all Sir
[9:38] Aldwulf Siemens: you seem fairly clear in your statement
[9:39] BD: comes back eventually Sir..the memory and suchlike sir
[9:39] Aldwulf Siemens: shall we accept he was killed by you?
[9:39] BD: yes sir
[9:39] Aldwulf Siemens: right 1 down
[9:39] Aldwulf Siemens rifles through copious papers
[9:40] Aldwulf Siemens: next it seems you enticed two more men
[9:40] Aldwulf Siemens: to a meeting
[9:40] Bd: they volunteered Sir
[9:40] Aldwulf Siemens: you placed an add for a threesome it says here
[9:40] BD: correct Sir but THEY answered it sir
[9:41] BD: self inflicted Sir
[9:41] Aldwulf Siemens: so you met one
[9:41] Aldwulf Siemens: and you drove him to a picnic area
[9:41] BD: yes Sir
[9:41] Aldwulf Siemens: and you engaged in homosexual sex
[9:42] Aldwulf Siemens: and
[9:42] Aldwulf Siemens: "shot the f**ker in the head"
[9:43] Aldwulf Siemens: 2 down
[9:43] Aldwulf Siemens: ok
[9:43] BD: well that bit I DO remember it was wild
[9:43] Aldwulf Siemens: "no 3 was easy I ran him over, and maybe it was the third time I reversed over him that did it"
[9:43] Bd: traffic accident Sir
[9:44] Aldwulf Siemens: reversed over him three times?
[9:44] BD: the clutch slipped Sir
[9:44] Aldwulf Siemens: and the gearbox it seems
[9:44] Aldwulf Siemens: from reverse to drive at least 3 times
[9:45] BD: yes Sir.jeez can't get a decent mechanic these days sir
[9:45] Aldwulf Siemens: watch your tongue sir
[9:45] BD: Sorry sir
[9:46] Aldwulf Siemens: I am satisfied that no3 was a premeditated act of murder
[9:46] Aldwulf Siemens: and not careless driving
[9:46] BD: counts silently in head
[9:46] Aldwulf Siemens: now No 4
[9:46] Aldwulf Siemens: you set dogs on your lover
[9:47] BD: it was his 'scent' sir..drove my dog's mad sir
[9:47] Aldwulf Siemens: it says here
[9:48] Aldwulf Siemens: you bought them deliberately for this act
[9:48] Vince Beardmore: he also confess that to Maxwell during his arrest . its in his file too sir
[9:49] BD: no Sir..I dispute that Sir...I bought them when I got out from that ridiculous charge of flashing Sir..I did NOT get them to cause harm to anyone Sir
[9:50] Aldwulf Siemens: it states here you gave the command to the dogs to kill him
[9:50] BD: My ex just didn't like them sir....and they did not take a liking to him Sir.well eventually they did Sir
[9:51] Aldwulf Siemens: Enough Baron
[9:51] BD: Well.... ok I did say 'cut' but I was shaving sir and my razor slipped Sir
[9:51] Aldwulf Siemens: you were not shaving
[9:51] Aldwulf Siemens: you were having sex with your ex lover
[9:52] Aldwulf Siemens: I have had enough of your pathetic excuses
[9:52] BD: OK have me on that one Sir
[9:53] Aldwulf Siemens: I have sufficient evidence here to convict you of 4 murders
[9:53] Aldwulf Siemens: I will allow the 5th to remain on file
[9:53] Aldwulf Siemens: Baron DeSantis
[9:53] Aldwulf Siemens: I find you guilty of the premeditated murder of 4 men
[9:53] BD: gulp
[9:54] Aldwulf Siemens: 4 acts coldly planned
[9:54] Aldwulf Siemens: 4 acts coldly executed
[9:54] Aldwulf Siemens: before I pass sentence
[9:54] Aldwulf Siemens: do you have anything to say
[9:54] BD: counts in head...No sir
[9:55] Aldwulf Siemens looks at court papers
[9:56] Aldwulf Siemens: I sentence you to 5,000L$ fine
[9:56] BD: yes Sir
[9:56] Aldwulf Siemens: and 90 days in jail PLUS existing time served
[9:56] Aldwulf Siemens: that’s 90 days from now
[9:57] BD: Oh man..
[9:57] Aldwulf Siemens: take him away officer
[9:57] Vince Beardmore: yes sir
[9:57] Vince Beardmore: come Baron

At this point DeSantis was led away, to be taken back to his cell, still manacled and stunned at the savage sentence. Even Governor Hird was shocked at the lengthy term, so much so that he immediately changed all the mattresses for fresh ones. Well we must congratulate the authorities for apprehending what is now obviously a dangerous criminal. Perhaps he will repent at his leisure while he spends the next 90 days, studying law inside Ghul Federal Prison. A copy of the killer’s confession can be obtained from Baron DeSantis (convict) but it does not make for pretty reading I can assure you.

Footnote: If, at some future point, evidence is found relating to the 5th case then he will be tried for that in addition to present term. Any information you may have regarding this mysterious alleged murder, should be addressed to Vince Beardmore (Investigator for Ghul Federal Prison)
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