Saturday, March 15, 2008


Clarke Kent & Baron DeSantis..not two names normally found in the same sentence. Both are mild mannered reporters, both hide a secret. The Baron's however is something that should have stayed a secret.

I got into my office at the newspaper and found a brown envelope had been hand delivered, no return address or sender's name. Security had x-rayed it, so it was safe. I opened it up and as I did so some photographs fell out. Inside the envelope remained a sheet of paper. Jeez, what was this? The photographs showed an inmate hands behind his back, shackled, laying with his back to the camera. The second showed a sign beside a door, it read T-03. The third and final pic showed what appeared to be a torture device of some kind. Stunned and puzzled, I read the sheet. Oh my God, this can't be right I thought, this is a sick joke.

As I read on, my stomach churned and my head spun. The sender, possibly an ex-inmate, claimed the following;

"I found part of the Sink Freak's confession in the exercise yard but had to hand it to a guard. Man, your buddy DeSantis is in the real s**t now mate". Signed a friend.

He alleges that the photographs show the isolation cell in the Tower (a punishment Block) where Baron was held for three days and that the prisoner shown IS the Baron. The scene of events, allegedly, went like this.

BD had just entered the cell block, from having exercised and witnessed a crazed guard firing rounds off within the block. A judge was present and did not try to stop him. At this BD flew into a violent rage, verbally abusing both Guard and the, by then, two judges. Needless to say the Judges concerned (who have not been named for some reason) were forced to restrain BD and send him to isolation.

The note further alleges that after having been in solitary for three days, BD was taken out and allowed in the yard for some air. The guard (who again is unnamed) seems to be a favourite of BD. He was comfortable to talk to this Guard and let something slip. The guard immediately stated that having heard what he had just heard, it may be a good idea if the Baron got whatever was bothering off his chest.

The something that slipped out, allegedly was that Max and Liam, the Baron's Dobermans had attacked, killed & eaten a man. (He had bought the dogs after being released on a trumped up charge of 'lewdness' and had named the dogs after two Guards). The letter goes onto say that the alleged victim was the fourth in a series of brutal and cold blooded revenge killings.

The sender suggests that this is why Baron DeSantis is constantly showering and washing his hands. The classic Lady Macbeth syndrome, trying to wash away the blood he sees in his mind.

I tried to contact the prison but was informed that as the prisoner DeSantis was ready and awaiting trial, they could not possibly comment. They did however inform me that he had been moved back into general population, was taking part in boxing tournaments and is now studying LAW!!!

I have since found out that the authorities, in attempt to discover evidence, have demolished BD's house and gallery, along with yacht. No bodies or other evidence was found. Investigators did, however find two, sleepy, rather overweight dogs.

Well…the trail date has not been set as yet. I shall try and contact our friend and see if there is any truth to this shocking new revelation.

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