Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another Murder in the Prison

21:31] Bethany Bao moves at as quick of an pace as eh can exhausted after the "workout" using her knees to press down into the upper arms of the girl. One hand moving up to grab at her hair as she pressed the tip of the knife against the girls face.
[21:31] Bailey Trefusis tuns over ans starts to snorr
[21:31] Mere Babenco looks into oblivion, not a word nor complaint
[21:31] Bethany Bao: Bitch you should be scared. You say you got a death mark? big f**king deal, what do i get out of killing you?
[21:32] You: another 20 to life hun
[21:32] Bethany Bao: A bunch of people mad at me for robbing them of thier chance of doing it.
[21:32] You: DO IT C**T
[21:32] You: or you will not wake to see anoother day
[21:32] You: I can promise you
[21:33] Bethany Bao jabs the point of the glass into her skin. "I'm going to shove this f**king shakin in your eye. And then I'm going to crush that pretty little hand of yours." she said, leaning down to put preasure on the arm with her knee. using her helbows to hold the girls head still.
[21:33] You: you are a pussy cat compared to the Judge
[21:34] You: I like you
[21:34] Mere Babenco doesnt try to resist, doesnt fight back, just lays there laughing
[21:35] Bethany Bao long a peice with her own life or death the girls cavilier attitude did little to disway the revenge driven girl. Pulling the knife back she broght it down to slash across the girls eye, leaveing a deep cut diagnialy across it.
[21:36] You: (bitch can scream)
[21:37] Bethany Bao: ((i don't care you just beat the crap out of me i warned ya i was gonna take revenge at some point. if you just wanna wrestle away and call it a draw though i'm ok with that.))
[21:37] Bethany Bao: ((we can just say i cut you instead of like scared ya.))
[21:37] You: (no going to keep it up till you kill me)
[21:38] You: (problem is you havent found out yet whose bitch I am)
[21:38] Bethany Bao: ((i wasn't going to go that far, just cut your eye up then break your hands as a procaution so you can't hold a shank on me again.))
[21:38] You: (dont kill me then, you days walking are counted)
[21:40] You: (bump me will you, you'll lovve the blood effect)
[21:40] Bethany Bao continues on her grim task, taking the shank down towards the girls face in a slash across the first, leaning into it enought o leave a deep cut over they eye, next she shifted her weight, sitting her behind down on the girls chest she dropve her knee into the opened hand underneath driving her bone intot he fingers.
[21:40] You: mbrelease
[21:40] You: damn ist working again
[21:40] Bethany Bao shrugs.
[21:41] You: ok now
[21:41] You: (just bumpp me)
[21:41] Bethany Bao: hehe that is good.
[21:42] You: great this one makes the papers!
[21:42] Bethany Bao finishes up her task ignoring any sounds she may make as she brought herknee up and then down on the hand again. "be thankfull i'll leave you're other hand so you can still eat."
[21:43] Mere Babenco lies bleeding to death....a muder has been commited in the jail tonight
[21:44] Bethany Bao reaches up with her clean hand and whipes her own blood from her bloody mouth and nose from the strike, rolling off the girl and letting the shank drop to the floor. "Wonderfull."
[21:44] You: (they have cameras over all the cells here)
[21:45] Bethany Bao: ((i wouldn't know that, first time at this facility))
[21:45] Bethany Bao lets out a little sigh, groaning now as adrenaline wore off.
[21:45] Melanie Tuxing: smile - what are you doing to mere?
[21:46] Bethany Bao looks up, her own face bloody and bruised. Shruggin at the girl as she held a still bloody shank.
[21:46] Bethany Bao shrugs some. "She came at me with this, i took it from her. S**t happened."
[21:47] Bethany Bao: Hey, how'd you get out of your cell?
[21:47] Melanie Tuxing: a knife? she is a mean bitch, isnt she?
[21:47] Melanie Tuxing: shrugs
[21:47] Melanie Tuxing: i m allowed exercise in the yard
[21:48] Bethany Bao shrugs again, looking down at the shank then at the girl on the floor. "Yeah I guess. She gave me a decent working over."
[21:48] Melanie Tuxing: want a smoke?
[21:48] Bethany Bao: Naw thanks.
[21:48] Melanie Tuxing: hey, is she dead?
[21:48] Bethany Bao: Hey, how long do you think I have till a guard comes by?
[21:49] Melanie Tuxing: i just realised that that red cloak she is lying on is her own blood1
[21:49] Bethany Bao shakes her head coldly. "Naw I don't think so."
[21:49] Melanie Tuxing: i dont know - they come and go
[21:49] Bethany Bao finally drops the shank, tossing it on one of the two mattresses.
[21:50] Melanie Tuxing: dont you think you should get rid of that knife?
[21:50] Bethany Bao: I Hope she's not dead, I dind't cut anything vital.
[21:50] Bethany Bao: What the f**k for, if she is dead it's not like i can get rid of the body.

*The was printed as it was given to me; other then the course language there was no other editing done*
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