Can't wait to see Bang Gang performing on stage @ Brussels Summer Festival 22. August 2008.
The History of Barði Jóhannsson
Barði spent his childhood @ Hlíð, went to school @ Æfinga- og tilraunadeild Kennaraskóla Íslands & later @ Menntaskólann í Reykjavík. He learned to play the piano & guitar from his grandparents. He is featured @ the age of 14 on the Album "Ekkert mál" with the song "Falskur".
@ the age of 15 he started his first band "Öpp Jors", who released 3 cassettes "Mongolian Bobo", "Plan-B Dauði" & "Görn". Later on the band "Marsipan" and together with Henrik Baldvin Björnsson "Bang Gang".
The Bang Gang song "Sleep" got attention in France. In France he got in touch with singer Keren Ann Zeidel. Together they recorded in a few weeks an Album as the duo "Lady & Bird" in Brussels, released in 2003.
Based on text of Árni Matthíasson
Bang Gang on MySpace: www.myspace.com/banggangband