Thursday, August 7, 2008


What are we humans up to when we have the place for ourselves, when no one is watching?
I guess there’s quite a list of activities that most of us have engaged in when we are “home alone”.
Remember when you were kids?.
Maybe you were ten and had a newborn baby brother. Didn’t you even once take the pacifier from him and gave it a taste… for old times' sake?
Girls love to get their hands on someone else’s doll… and sometimes brake it. Haven’t you ever gone through you parent’s drawers and closets, trying on their clothes? I loved to walk around in my mother’s pumps, and, I don’t know how… she always knew I had had them on the next time she decided to wear them. Not to mention what I did to her make up.
We often suspected we were being held prisoners. Those people couldn’t be our real parents. We must have been born Princes and Princesses and… “Oh My God , they must be so worried at the Castle, trying to find us.” We needed proof. So we turned the house upside down trying to find old pictures, or letters, or stuff that would tell us things about who the grown ups we lived with REALLY were.
Then we get older, and decide not to look for proof anymore… we start looking for loose change in pockets and, if possible… for cigarettes. Or grass. (Which might have shed a new light on who our folks were… maybe they weren’t such twits after all.)
Teenage guys also apply themselves to the stack of Playboys the keep under the mattress along with the Spiderman comics. I guess they also spend a lot of time trying to unscramble the porn channel.
When we are older… I guess we girls use that free time to wax our legs, to pluck our eyebrows, to paint our toe nails, to smear all kinds of concoctions on our face.
Guys get hungry and eat chicken out of the fridge without using a knife and fork, or even a plate.
Sometimes they get bored and try to fix household appliances, that, like Humpty Dumpty, will never be put together again.
Some people like to go around the house stark naked. We also might play some very loud music and dance like crazy around the house, or watch an old movie – a very sad one- so we can cry to our heart’s contempt.
And… we also log in to SL, when we are home alone. And… what is it we do in SL, when we are alone… when no one is watching? When our friends are not on line?
The feeling is pretty much the same… isn’t it?
At first…when you are noob… the quantities of goods and services related to sex becomes intriguing, to say the least. I always found porn basically ridiculous, a total turn off. But all those places for kinky sex… and all those gadgets… SL seemed to have an infinite supply.
Avi’s are always kind of cute, no matter how pervert they want to look, ha ha, so I never took that seriously. But… I was quite amazed and curious and did a lot of exploring… by myself… when no one was watching. (Com’on!!! Don’t tell me you didn’t.)
But then there’s also“normal” sex, and when you are a noob you don’t know it comes along with the furniture. When I bought my first bed I didn’t understand what the hell was that. So I spent a lot of time –home alone-, trying to figure out how that worked. And I was NOT going to ask around… and decided to put that away for good.
(Needless to say a couple of months later a boyfriend became part of my Second Life and OH did we figure out how those scripts worked…) (blush).
You know what I really like?
To go shopping by myself and try on clothes and shoes.
I like to go looking for new hair styles. I spend a lot of time trying those “demos” on. I try to find a new look, trying on some make up too. I spend a lot of Lindens and I often end up looking like before I started. I also try something on and decide to “edit”. It’s amazing how good I am at trashing perfectly good items.
When I realize, once again, that my inventory is unmanageable, I spend some time sorting it out. That is boring, so I give up quite soon.
Then I start checking my friends “profiles”, to see if something has changed. Let's see… are these two still together? Did they add some new info about themselves?
Except for those very few and really close ones… WHO these people really are?? Maybe this cool handsome latin lover is an old lady from Cincinnati who is fed up with Bingo and now finds her kicks in SL.
I am sure some of them are alts, but It’s really a challenge to figure that out. I have some suspects… though. They better watch themselves. I’ll blow their cover sooner or later, he he.
Then I decide to update my profile. Change the photos, add new pics. What groups do I belong to? Why am I in an S&M club??? Was I drunk? Let’s get out of there.
What about doing something useful?Time to go once more to a sandbox and try to improve my building skills. I can only build very simple things… mostly square or flat shaped. So whenever I try to do a more complicated object it turns out to be such a contraption than immediately attracts the attention of other builders who know what they are doing and try to help… which spoils the fun of being alone playing with prims.
Then I decide to go exploring. Find cool places and meet people that I’ll keep to myself for a while.
“I have some friends that my old friends don’t know… hahaha”.
Feels good for like two days. Then they get deleted. (My true friends are a very serious thing).
What about searching for cool animations?A new hud, so I can change the way I walk, sit, fly?
A new game for my parties? Dances!!!! Oh, yes. Need some new dances for my Chimera. I spend quite sometime trying them on. Last ones I got? Very slow dancing ones. Worth every penny. Ask my bf.
And what people do when they are NOT home alone… well… no need to comment on that.☺))))))
Covadonga Writer
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