Yesterday was a cold day and there were cool thoughts.
A few things work, and I surf. Debaser is still white and sad, and there are people who also goes here, perhaps to understand what happened to Trell. I would like to know more too, but I find only a blog for closure and review of that concert of the Evens. I give up trying again.
Luckily there are fondamentalisimi to distract me: the league that wants to close the mosques , because it seems not easy to distinguish between places of worship and places to another. The Northern League propose to stop the construction of new religious centers until the approval of a law that regulates them. There is already a proposal for them: the mosques built with the consent of the Region, after a successful referendum on the citizens, and at least one kilometer from churches and synagogues. So: the Muslims would be forced to gather in makeshift venues, hidden, with a vaguely illegal, the referendum would give a probable outcome of democratic but negative ( due to the fear of so-called "good people", fear of real things like terrorism, not tales of ghosts and ), and even if a miracle were to move "yes" in any case would end up far away from mosques cults Series A, ghettos. But intolerance, fundamentalism, racial tension, hatred, violence, does not generate its own erecting barriers between cultures? But that damn article 3 of the constitution is just so hard to understand? Vabeh, maybe I speak under heavy influence of "ideological bias", as Maroni. Other fundamentalism at work, needless to say: the church, which opposes the decriminalization of homosexuality . The funny thing is to read why: instead of the traditional (but perhaps a little obvious ) "because they are unnatural beings, creatures of the devil" there is now a spectacular "because in this way would risk stigmatizing and then isolate states where homosexuality is still penalized. " So, if it is not fair to isolate countries in which they are authorized sanctions, torture or even execution against human beings, this means that punish, torture, murder is intolerable. Are we kidding!?