gímaldin is an independent underground musician, modest (writes his artist name with small-g).
Producer/Sound engineer: Jónsi of Sigur Rós & Recorded @ Studio Hvarfi.
As far as I know this is the only recording he ever produced for somebody else.
3 Female singers on this debut tape:
Heiða Eiríksdóttir: "Fjallsvísur"
Elísa Geirsdóttir: "Böl og Bömmer"
Sunna Björk Þórarinsdóttir: "Meyjarnminning" & "Nýtt upphaf"
Second solo project was the "Trendaðir mússikkfangar" Album in 2002.
Collaborations with:
5ta herdeildin, an Icelandic punk-folk-slash-activist group (active in the period 2001-2006)
poet Margrét Lóa Jónsdóttir: "Hljómorð"
poet Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl
spoken word artist Kristín Ómarsdóttir: "Góðar stelpur" & "Hjá regnboganum"
He made a soundtrack for the short films: "Áróður" (Propaganda) for filmmaker Haukur Már Helgason.

Iceland´s top political rock poet joins hands with Iceland´s most underground composer, resulting in this groundbreaking musical duo.
In the bleak late winter months of 2006, poet Valur Gunnarsson had been researching material around the Baltic Sea for a novel . His travels in Finland brought him finally to St. Petersburg where he met up with the Icelandic composer gímaldin in a dirty, ragged bar called Tzinnik. The late night welcoming party culminated in the poet bringing forth lyrics which had come to him during his quest. Being occupied with his novel, the poet left it to the composer to create the platform for the execution of the lyrics. The music, composed under the freezing Russian cold was then transported to merry, sunny Iceland for further studio work. The artistic climate was ripe with creativity, luring some of Iceland´s finest instrumentalists into the blend.
The release however, was put back, as the poet had revert to his author personality to materialize his novel - and the composer was summoned back to his dealings in Russia.
Finally, a stroke of kismet brought the parties involved in close enough proximity to one another - in the end of summer 2008, to ascend the music to the next level of existance. With an accommodating distribution deal with independent label Kimi Records, the album was set to go.
Valur Gunnarsson @ www.myspace.com/valurgunnarsson
For remixes: