Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What Is The Best Antibiotic For An Std

After six months the bar

Some of you are excited, admit it, when it began the story of Viola and our hero. It always happens in the end, when those emotions are strong: it happens the same with Romeo and Juliet, or even the Titanic Jack and Rose, to give two examples banal.
Easy, you say.
But then, you know life, you know how things went. The passion always leaves more room for small moments of routine, the game looks dims, the words are cool. Precisely for this reason some stories are effective: why do not you tell the post, are photos of the time when everything is perfect. Are stories frozen immortal.

We have an invisible camera, able to go anywhere. We do not need permission, do not serve in this case. This camera can slip unseen anywhere, or fly at supersonic speed.
From the top, thanks to this telcamera invisible all-seeing and all light, we can see a couple walking through the crowd in the center. It's hot, perhaps too, the crowd is incredible and barely unbearable, and yet they walk almost without noticing the event. Viola immediately recognize, from the deep look and smell of strawberries (yes, this camera also knows how to identify smells and odors). It's been six months since that night when it rained. He holds the
hand her the spring only from time to time to give it a push or a little flip when he whispers something stupid or obscene left ear.
They walk without haste: he knows exactly where to go, while she occasionally lingers in front of any window. He pulls his arm, she is dragging its feet and pout, but then kisses him and smiles all over his face.
come into a room where he had taken her before that fateful first kiss, when everything seemed so inexplicably complicated. He orders something strong, you the usual cocktail of strawberry.
speak so, undeterred by the heat and chaos around them. Every time she looks around, drumming his fingers, a rhythm that both know, he peeks in silence and are amazed how beautiful.
After a while 'time they get up and leave the table, she takes him under his arm and lights a cigarette.
get ice cream at that place not far away, then slowly start walking towards home.
The camera follows them to the door, then takes off to the fourth floor and after he came out of the window waiting for them in the dark entrance. For a while we see nothing, then when the door opens, the landing light fills the room and the profile of our two main characters kissing is focused by the objective invisible. Remain on the input to kiss an endless number of seconds in her toes, He caresses the side and face. Enter
room, while she closes the door he sat on the bed, pulls on whether the arm.

Three hours later. She sleeps in a crumpled sheet, he embraces a spoon. This camera reads the thoughts and dreams: she is dreaming of a lawn covered with purple flowers, he is trying to count the beats of his heart.

Now: the feeling that you've probably tried it, witnessing this evening will have little to do with what we talked about earlier
But think again: it is in those little everyday moments, precious and fair, so fragile yet powerful at the same time , that lies the secret of feeling more intimate and mysterious of human nature. Think back to every single second that you attended: lock it in your mind, and savor it until you fill your mouth and spirit throughout.
Done? Well, surely you had certainty about love, or that is intended to gradually fade, begin to falter. Well, at least for me it is.
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