Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ensími @ Oktoberfest '09, Reykjavík on Thursday 8. October 2009

Icelandic band Ensími ("Enzyme") was the headliner of the Oktoberfest '09 on Thursday Night 8. October 2009.
They played in an unheated tent on the University of Reykjavík ground, nearby my Hotel Saga, during a small storm the song "Arpeggiator" of their Debut Album "Kafbátamúsík". I know that it's not my best video but it's the only live video of the band on YouTube right now. The sound is crappy, the temperature was below zero, I was awake for more than 20 hours, but the audience was going mad and was singing along.
At 1:15 the police came to make an end to the gig: too early in the middle of a song (last song was only 1:00 long).

Hope they gone release their 4. Album one day. When they are not playing with Dr. Spock, Bang Gang, Bubbi's Ego, other bands...

The Song with good sound quality
Ensími @ MySpace
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