Monday, November 2, 2009

Ghostigital Kick-Off @ Batteríið @ Iceland Airwaves '09, 17. October 2009

A few days earlier, Ghostigital (Einar Örn Benediktsson & Curver Thoroddsen) had a quiet afternoon with lots of smoke, joined by friend Finnbogi Pétursson @ i-8 Gallery.
For this gig @ Batteríið venue, Einar's son Kaktus was once again present to dance & play trumpet.
is now part of the duo Captain Fufanu, the best newcomer of Airwaves '09 festival.
had a lot of adrenaline in his body because the bouncers/security were doing difficult that peticular evening. Maybe the best Ghostigital show I witnessed so far, and I've seen a few before.
Bonjour, Bon Soir

Ghostigital's Website
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