Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Andal Ampatuan Jr., Pleaded Not Guilty

5 Jan 2010
Andal Ampatuan Jr., the key suspect in 'Maguindanao' massacre, pleaded not guilty to murder charges in the Philippines' worst election massacre of 57 people.

He was in denial and even tried to hide his face behind a scarf under a barrage of questions from reporters asking if he masterminded massacre of 57 people.

Esmael Mangudadatu, the vice mayor of Buluan town whose wife, two sisters and two lawyers were among the 57 killed while en route to file his certificate of candidacy for governor of Maguindanao in the May 2010 elections, was visibly enraged.

Prosecutors presented Ricardo Diaz of the National Bureau of Investigation as their first witness. He said he received autopsy reports, statements from witnesses, pictures and video footage of bodies and the crime scene.

 There are more counts of the said charges against Andal Ampatuan Jr. still waiting for the court's judgment. Stay tuned for the latest updates...
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