Sunday, July 25, 2010

Björk & Jónas Sen Live @ Nordic House, Reykjavik 19. July 2010

Björk & Co vs. Magma Energy Sweden Ab
Within two weeks time the Icelandic Government is due to sign the contract that gives Magma Energy Sweden Ab the exclusive rights to exploit the Icelandic energy resources for the next 65 years, renewable for other 65 years!
On Tuesday 13th July a Formal Proposal was submitted to the Public Representative of the Icelandic Parliament, signed by Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Jón Þórisson (the Icelandic assistant to Eva Joly) and the writer Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir. This Proposal, concerning the sale of Iceland's natural resources to the company Magma Energy, aims to initiate an open discussion and encourage reconsideration of this sale, ensuring that the interests of the public are being protected and that clarification is achieved on all aspects of this decisive case concerning the future of Iceland.
In addition to the Proposal, Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Jón Þórisson & Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir have also put forward several questions they feel must be asked by the government, by the parliament and by the public before this business exchange can continue.
- Is this in accordance with the laws that state only the Icelandic government should have the right to harness and govern the natural resources of Iceland?
- Shouldnʼt we ask for an investigation of this deal and get a report on the business exchange concerning our resources, as we got a report on the banks?
- Shouldnʼt the nation be able to decide for itself if it is willing to sell off itʼs natural resources, by means of a law change to enable a national referendum? One of the IMFʼs suggestions is that Iceland should open up access to itʼs natural resources to foreigners. According to the letter of intent signed by the government last April, it seems that those suggestions will be followed.
- Are we thus going to use our nature in this way to pay off the Icesave-debts of those few Icelandic venture capitalists?
- Wouldnʼt we be in a better position to pay off our debts and get out of the crisis if we retain the rights to our resources and get the profit ourselves from harnessing them?
We donʼt know exactly who the shareholders of Magma Energy are.
- Is it wise to legalize the deal without knowing that first? Allegedly the Magma deal is about the benefits of foreign investment. How does that compute with the fact that 70% of the purchase price is financed with a local bullet-loan with collateral in the shares?
- Could the selling of the rights to exploit Icelandic natural resources to Magma Energy be a continuation of the infamous Rei-case?
- Is there anything that guarantees Magma wonʼt take all the profit from harnessing our natural resources out of Iceland?
- Is there anything that guarantees jobs will be created in Iceland through this deal?
- Do we at all profit from this deal? Is it possible that the profit all goes to the middle-men that we the people and even the government do not know of?
- How are these two things compatible; to promote more heavy industry and to hold our promises against pollution?
- Is Iceland not going to participate in the fight against global warming? In the future, water will probably be the most valuable resource in the world.
- Will the deal with Magma Energy possibly set a legal precedent, and be used in the future to enforce the sale of more natural resources?
- What will our grandchildren think of the deals weʼre making now?

>>> If you want to sign a petition to ask for a national referendum about the Icelandic energy resources, go to Orkuaudlindir (kennitala: date of birth = dd mm yy followed by 2699)
For more information, read Alda' s (The Iceland Weather Report Blog) Post
Grapevine Posts about Magma vs. Björk
Björk hold a press conference with a performance on Monday 19. July @ Nordic House, Reykjavik.
Report of the conference by Manny Santiago @ Passport Magazine
Björk & Jónas Sen
played 3 songs after the Press Conference:
1. "Hjá Iygnri Móðu"
2. "Vertebrae By Vertebrae"
3. "Oceania" (Icelandic)
Listen here:
Björk & Jónas Sen @ Nordic House Press Conference by elskanminn
Björk's Official Site
"Pagan Poetry" cover by Further Seems Forever
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