Sunday, August 8, 2010

Song of the 176. Week is "Kúrekastelpan" by Berglind Ágústsdóttir (feat. Hellvar)

176. Song of the Week is a song by artist & musician Berglind Ágústsdóttir, together with her friends of Hellvar: "Kúrekastelpan".


Berglind Ágústsdóttir aka "Begga Pönk" made the album "Vinir bjarga deginum", 12 songs with some of her friends.

By the album @ Gogoyoko here.For some of the songs a video was made:

"Gangsterrapparinn", another one with Hellvar

"Poppvisur" with the help of Curver Thoroddsen

Berglind is also an artist. In 2001 she made "Kossaverkid", kissing some of her friends: Curver (of Ghostigital fame), Ragnar Kjartansson (of Trabant fame).

Berglind Ágústsdóttir @ MySpace

Berglind @ Gogoyoko
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